One year, kind of like this year, was the rainiest anyone had ever seen. All the cricks flooded, liked to drowned us all and the bottomlands turned into gumbo. Well, I had to get to the post office and it wasn't but a quarter mile so I figured I'd walk. I got my big old walking staff, just to get along, and the further I walked, the bigger my boots got – had to use my stick to scrape off my boots!
As I was walking along, I looked up and seen something coming along the road toward me. It looked like a critter, a little critter, kinda swimming along in the mud toward me. It was the wrong color for a raccoon and the wrong shape for a possum.
Poor little critter was so mired down I couldn't see any legs. The thing came right up to me and then I realized it was a man's hat! I picked it up and there was a feller's head in the mud underneath it.
He looked up and said, "Howdy-do. Nice day, ain't it?"
I looked at him and aid, "Sure is a toler'ble muddy day to go walking!"
"Naw," said the feller. "I ain't walking. I'm riding a mule."