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  • Writer's pictureKathy Schottel

MO-TELL Member of the Month: Kathy Schottel

Our featured member of Mo-Tell this month is Kathy Schottel. Kathy comes to us as a Librarian-Musician- Storyteller. Her love of books and libraries led her to her work in the St. Louis City Public Library system. There she encountered her wonderful mentor, Irene Eveland. Kathy credits Irene with “twisting her arm into becoming a storyteller.” Her hobby is her music and her guitar, and if anyone of you have heard her captivate audiences, you are very fortunate. The audiences of young listeners in the libraries would often ask Kathy, “Do you have kids?” Immediately she would answer, “Why would I, when I’ve got 3,000 of you guys?” In fact, she told and sang and played to about 3,000 kids a month. Whew!

Interest in Storytelling

Irene also told Kathy that she should join all the storytelling organizations, and Kathy remembers the wonderful Cuivre River and Lake of the Ozarks workshop weekends and all the FUN! She just recently rejoined Mo-Tell. When asked why, she replied, “Sue Hinkel twisted my arm and said I needed to join and give her $25 membership fee.” (Seems to be a theme of arm- twisting here).

What tellers?

Tellers who influenced her in addition to Irene are Lynn Ford, Marilyn Hill, and Ron Adams.

Other stuff you ought to know:

Kathy really loves music. She has directed and acted on stage in everything frommusicals to dramas; even been known to tap dance. Her favorite movie is “Coco,” the Disney movie. She loves the generations all getting together and telling and singing and remembering. If she lived anywhere else besides St. Louis, she would pick Santa Fe, New Mexico. She is looking forward to discovering Poland and her Polish heritage in a future trip to Europe.Kathy is a great friend to the St. Louis Storytelling Festival and all the kids, both youngand old, that she inspires and entertains!

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