Stories have been an essential part of my life since I was first told, “Turn off your flashlight, stop reading and go to sleep!” After spending ten years spinning corporate marketing and public relations stories, I became a stay at home Mom. Telling bedtime stories to my toddler daughter was followed by telling stories at her preschool. The school director asked me to tell Christmas stories at the annual party and afterwards handed me a check for $50. What?!? Storytelling was a career?!?
That May I heard about the St. Louis Storytelling Festival at the Arch. As I listened spellbound to teller after teller, including Sue Hinkel, I discovered what I wanted to be when malls and festivals. As a storytelling teaching artist with Springboard, I have performed and taught students of all ages and abilities about storytelling and story writing. I have witnessed how Story tickles your funny bone, engages your mind and opens your heart.
My passion for Story has expanded to including costumes, props and puppets whenever I can. “Have wand, Will travel” was my original catch phrase when I began my career as a faerie storyteller and writer. As my stories and I matured I included tales from around the world and character portrayals from history and folklore. A magical trip to Ireland inspired an ever- expanding collection of Celtic tales and I enjoy writing original faerie and personal stories. Our stories have the power to both entertain and educate our audiences and I continue to believe my stories are “for the young at heart and ancient in spirit.”
And by the way, I no longer use a flashlight at night. I have a Kindle.