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  • Writer's pictureLinda Kuntz

2021 Kansas Storytelling Festival in Downs, Kansas

A report by Linda Kuntz, Events Correspondent

Gary and Linda Kuntz, Diane Cox, Lorraine and Jerry Darnell, Ron Stewart, Jean Hatfield, Joyce Slater, Alice Nathan, Tim and Janet Manson, and Rich White attended the Kansas Storytelling Festival to cheer on Rich White as he competed in the Tall Tales Contest.

Rich White WON!

Rich will proudly display the Golden Shovel until the April 22 and 23, 2022 Kansas Storytelling Festival. The semi-finals for the Kansas Storytelling Festival Tall Tales Contest are Saturday, October 9, 2021.Downs, Kansas opens its heart and arms to storytellers and story lovers.

For a small fee ($20 for a 2-day pass) we listened to Tim Lowry, Dan Keding, Anne Rutherford and Adam Booth and other local tellers. Downs, Kansas arranged for food trucks and local organizations to provide breakfast, lunch and dinner plus fabulous desserts.

Downs, Kansas is approximately four hours from Kansas City, Missouri. Lodging accommodations go fast so reserve your room immediately in Downs, Osbourne, Cawker City or Beloit.

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